高校や大学の理系科目一般教養のレベルの出題なので、それ合わせて、ACT英語学校 横浜東神奈川教室では、アメリカの大学の理系科目の教科書を元に、教材を開発しています。また、理系分野のニュース記事も取り扱います。一般教養レベルではなく専門分野の教材アレンジも独自に開発しておりますので、1級合格には充分すぎる教材です。
ACT英語学校 横浜東神奈川教室では工業英検4級から1級まで対応しており、対策方法は大きくは変わらず、「基本単語、専門用語、文法、長文」となります。工業英検の級の違い(難易度の違い)は単語の量(修飾語句の量)の違いなので、文法に自信がつけば、あとは、基本単語と専門単語を増やしいけば、上位級の合格が期待できます。
Volcano Petula is island arc chain like the Aleution Islands of Alaska, or the Philippines, or the Mt. Fuji in Japan. Since volcano Petula is islander arc chain, it is quite likely to be a stratovolcano, which is a corn-shaped landforms. Because it is corn-shaped, the people around its mountain has a risk of debris-avalanches. Once it erupts, it produces intermediate magma such as andesite and diorite. These two rocks contain more silica and less iron than mafic magma like basalt and gabbro, produced by shield volcano. While Hawaiian volcano has divergent plate boundaries, volcano Petula has convergent plate boundary. When oceanic plate is going under the continental plate, it may cause earthquake or eruption.
Server is a computer that manages the resources on a network and provides a centralized strong area for software programs and data. Client is a computer that can access the contents of the storage area on the server, including programs, data, and other resources. when a client computer sends data (e.g. e-mail) over the Internet, the data is divided into small pieces called packets. The packets are sent along the fastest available path to the recipient’s computer via devices called routers. The protocol used to define packets switching on the Internet is a communications protocol known as TCP/IP.
何についての説明か英語で答えなさい。How data travels the Internet.
Leadership in the workplace involves various styles. It ranges from a highly authoritarian leadership style, in which the leader makes all decisions and tells followers what to do, to a highly democratic leadership style, in which the leader and the group of followers discuss problems and jointly make all decisions that affect their work. The style that is most effective depends upon the nature of the situation and the needs and the characteristics of the followers.
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